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Sustainability Report

2021 - 2022
Sustainability Report
Creating Sustainable Futures

This sustainability report contains forward-looking statements and projections about the future initiatives and anticipated impact of Rogers Hospitality.

Thierry Montocchio
Message from CEO

At Rogers Hospitality, the well-being and safety of our teams, guests, and partners are paramount, especially during times of crisis. We have implemented robust health and safety measures across our properties and work closely with local authorities to ensure that we are adhering to the latest guidelines and recommendations. Our priority is to provide a secure and comfortable environment for all, and we are constantly refining our procedures to adapt to the changing circumstances.

In this dynamic industry, our pioneering spirit and agility have been instrumental in navigating the ever-changing hospitality landscape. We remain vigilant in identifying new opportunities and growth areas that align with our core values and commitment to sustainability. By continuously innovating and adapting to market shifts, we can stay ahead of the curve and maintain our position as a leader in sustainable hospitality.

In conclusion, our unwavering dedication to sustainability, resilience, and inclusive growth is the foundation upon which Rogers Hospitality stands. We will continue to uphold these values and principles as we advance, and we are grateful for the ongoing support from our stakeholders in this journey towards a more sustainable future.


Thierry Montocchio
  • 6
    Green Key
    Certified Hotels
  • 2000
  • 918
  • 13
  • REVENUE FOR FY 21/22
    million MUR
One Pledge One Promise

Through our program 'Now for Tomorrow', we commit to consolidating resilient development, favouring sustainable consumption, protecting Mauritius’ biodiversity, through mindful development, valorising cultural and historical heritage, and maintaining vibrant communities’.

Our5 Pillars Strategy

The “Now for tomorrow” pledge relies on five strategic impact zones to ensure focus and keep the momentum in all our actions.

Our Sustainability Commitments

Driven by care, Rogers Hospitality’s objective is to deliver premium hospitality services that benefit the environment, add value to our localcommunities and uplift guest experience. To this end, the company has established seven targets that have been the core focus of the 2021-2022 financial year.

Here is the status update on the progress made towards achieving these targets, as at June 2022.

Waste Management
Enhancing our waste management programme, with a view to divert 75% of our waste going to landfill by 2022.

of waste has been diverted from the landfill.

Towards zero single use plastic
By the end of 2022, adopting a ‘zero single use plastics’ approach across all our operations
15 out 22

identified single use plastic items have been substituted.

100% locally sourced products
As from January 2022, sourcing 100% of our fruits, vegetables, seafood, poultry and meat from Mauritian growers, farmers and suppliers, or else favouring goods provided by regional partners in the Indian Ocean.

of fish, seafood, fruits, vegetables, meat and poultry are sourced from local and regional partners.

Nature conservation Programmes
We will further develop tangible initiatives around lagoon & reefs, forests, riverines and wetlands.

wave breakers and a groyne have been installed at Bel Ombre to prevent erosion of the beach and to encourage thriving marine life.

Going carbon neutral
As from Oct 2021, ensuring carbon neutral stays of our guests holidaying at Heritage Resorts in Bel Ombre and proposing offsetting option to guests at Veranda Resorts

carbon credits have been purchased to offset the carbon emissions of the guests’ stay at Heritage Resorts

Adopting renewable energy
Developing energy efficiency initiatives and increasing our share of renewable energyaBel Ombre. Our target is to reach up to 80% of renewable energy by 2025

A solar farm is under development at Bel Ombre and is targeted to be in operation by

Reputation through certification
By 2024, achieving a sustainability certification/eco-label for all our business units. By December 2021, obtaining a green key certification for Veranda Resorts and a GEO golf certification for all our golf courses.
4 out of 5

Veranda Resorts are certified Green Key<br><br>Geo Golf certification is in progress and has been achieved at 50%.

Our Sustainability Governance
Successful integration of sustainability requires clear leadership and direction which operates through a dedicated structure. The figure below is the main structure of Rogers Hospitality.
For the past 2 years, Rogers Hospitality has built up a strong team. The Sustainability Department has been enforced through the hiring of Sustainability Officers for each hotel. The additional talents have been driving the Environmental and Social integration within hotels operations, benefiting our business ecosystem and the local communities.
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Message from our Head of Sustainability
Embracing challenges to create positive change
In our pursuit of sustainable development, we understand the importance of continuous learning, improvement, and collaboration. At Rogers Hospitality, we embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, as we strive to make a meaningful contribution to a better world. Through innovative initiatives, partnerships, and a shared vision, we are dedicated to creating positive change and leaving a lasting legacy.
Alexandre Piat
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Village Labourdonnais,
Mapou, 31803

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09.00 - 17.00 | Monday - Friday
Closed | Saturday and Sunday

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